Compare FEA Programs with the same model

The user community is requested to submit video recordings using the various FEA software packages. Software vendors can also submit videos.
Basic Part Structural Analysis:







Rules ......

1. The same model is used
2. No advertising
3. Mouse picks instead of commands.
4. No macros or scripting
5. Speed should be no faster than one click per second.
6. Can download free trial of Camtasia for video recording.
7. Upload to youtube or any location and email link to:
8. We will review video and insert link if it complies with the above.
9 The preferred resolution is 1280X720 but any size is OK.
10. Software with integrated CAD can include geometry creation.
11. FEA Professor reserves the right to copy, modify, upload to Youtube or remove any links that are submitted.
12. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.